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Is he looking for friendship or more. I am getting mixed signals. christee 11/02/03
    I have been dating a guy for 3 months now. We work different shifts through the week and do not get to see each other much until the weekend, but anyway, he is confusing me about what he wants. I thought he was looking for more than friendship because he had been doing nice things such as bringing red roses and leaving surpise gifts and cards at my door. It has been 3 months now and nothing goes any further than a goodnight kiss. This gets even more consfusing so listen further please. My brother was the one that set the 2 of us up together and anyway, this guy is wanting to move out of his parents house due to his parents arguing all of the time and it just so happens that my brother has an apartment that he rents out and is going to be available in 2 weeks. To make a long story short, the guy I am dating told my brother that he would rent it out and then he ask me if I would like to join him and be his roomate. We have not even spent the night together yet but he is asking me to move in with him. I told him that I liked my place and that it was bigger and he was welcome to move in with me if he liked. He gave it some thought and said that he wanted to live out in the country instead of in town. He said he would give me a key and that if I wanted to later and changed my mind I could move in with him. I am so confused. I don't know what he wants from me. Can you help?

      Clarification/Follow-up by DoctorLove on 11/07/03 10:10 pm:
      I just wanted to add for everyone, isnt is absolutely amazing how there are a ton of girls out there who always complain about a guy moving TOO fast, and then we have some who think a guy moves too slow? I just think it is interesting how difficult it is to find our type and the right one in this world, and it is unfortunate how we cant have a single dating service or something that can actually match up people with the type they actually want. We humans, always want things we dont or cant have, dont we?

Summary of Answers Received Answered On Answered By Average Rating
1. Hi, He likes you more that just a friend. Don't confuse...
11/03/03 RhinestoneNo rating received!
2. He is a guy who has difficulty expressing his affection & fe...
11/03/03 bluevisionNo rating received!
3. Hello: The first thought would be for you to slow down and ...
11/03/03 bal317No rating received!
4. Hi Christee, I think this man really does care for you. In...
11/03/03 purplewingsNo rating received!
5. He has a friend but he doesn't have a lover, even thou...
11/05/03 HANK1No rating received!
6. Hello... ah yes, some guys do have a problem expressing them...
11/07/03 DoctorLoveNo rating received!
7. I would also asy that basically hes old fashioned and shy, a...
11/11/03 Elated777No rating received!
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