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Obscurity and Profundity tonyrey 11/30/05
    ............................................ Apparently simple questions, like "What is goodness?" are among the most difficult to answer. Is obscurity and even a degree of unintelligibility to be expected in profound explanations?

      Clarification/Follow-up by tonyrey on 12/03/05 3:49 am:
      Ken, I take your point about vagueness but sometimes generality may be unavoidable. An example is existence. Do things exist in different ways or do they exist unconditionally (as opposed to not exist)? When we get to the most elemental facts it seemss hardly surprising that there is obscurity!

      Clarification/Follow-up by Jon1667 on 12/03/05 9:09 am:
      Generality is not, of course, the same thing as vagueness, although a term or concept may be both. "Politicians are (in general) liars" is general, but in most contexts, not vague.

      I would not even say that the question, "what is goodness?" is particularly vague. It is just that we can't be sure just what it is that is being asked, like, of course, "What is it to eat mashed potatoes?" The concepts are not, by themselves, particularly vague. It is just that we don't understand what the questioner has in mind by asking his question (and suspect that neither has the questioner). Another analogy that springs to mind is the sentence Bacon began his Essay on Truth with. "'What is truth' asked jesting Pilate, but would not stay for answer". Here, without the context supplied by Bacon, we would have no idea what someone who asked, "What is truth?" had in mind. What he expected as a reply. In the context, of course, Pilate was not really asking a question, but making a cynical (rhetorical) comment.

      Clarification/Follow-up by Jon1667 on 12/03/05 9:22 am:

      "A picture in one's mind is still worth a thousand words. :)"

      Conjuring up a picture in one's mind of an abstraction like goodness would be a neat trick, if one could do it.

Answered By Answered On
Jon1667 12/03/05
There might be a rather simple reason why such profound questions as "What is goodness" are so hard to answer. Perhaps they are so very vague in the form they are in, that we don't know how to begin to tackle them. I imagine that except for the rather diminuitive subject matter, the question, "What is it to eat mashed potatoes" would be just as difficult to answer.

There is a old conundrum which goes, "What is the difference between a boy, and a postage stamp?" Now the difficulty in answering this question surely does not lie in our thinking that there are no differences between a boy and a postage stamp. The trouble is that there are so very many differences between the two that we have no idea what the propounder of the riddle has in mind. (Like, what is it to eat mashed potatoes? We eat mashed potatoes a lot, but what would someone who asks such a question have in mind? That's the real problem)And, of course, the same goes for, "What is goodness"? What sort of answer is the questioner angling for?

By the way, not to leave you in unbearable suspense, the difference between the postage stamp and the boy is that the first you stick with a lick, and the second, you lick with a stick.

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