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Gay Marriage 2 Petesharky 05/18/04
    Gay marriage is a choice that should be left to the participants. No one judges a straight couple who marries even if the guy is 5' tall and weighs 500lbs and the girl is a stunning beauty queen. It is not the business of the Church especially who houses so many closet homosexuals that just never knew how to handle their feelings and went into priest hood only to take out their frustrations on young boys and other priests.

    What business is it of yours who gets married to who? What gives you or anyone else the right to say what is right or wrong, and to use the Bible to promote your hatred and prejudice?

    Ignorant and stupid is no way to go through life.

    Who are you to decide who can be happy and who can't just because you think what they are doing is wrong? I am sure I will get a load of quotes from the bible so I will post the first 2.

    "Let ye who lives without sin cast the first stone."

    How about

    "Judge not lest ye be judged."

    My oldest brother who is 14 years older than me is gay and if he came home tomorrow and said that he was getting married I would be happy for him.


Answered By Answered On
bal317 05/18/04
Hello: I understand the situation, many of us have loving, caring people in our lives that profess the feelings of wanting to be with the same sex. We all know this makes them happy, and we want nothing but for them to be happy.
But when it comes to taking on a ritual that was dedicated to us by God, as reproducing His Earth, no matter who is the human that would be doing the Ceremony, the union is a fact from God's Words.
Many of us who accept this type of a relationship as them seeing or living with each other, is going by God's Words of not judging another's. They will hae to deal with their final judge and that would be God.
Even tho they might want a true marital union, they can't put us into aceepting their workings against God's Will.
One it is not God's Will to place other's in such turmoil. And accepting this type of Union puts us all in the sin together. Why should we have to bare the sins of other's?
As this union says, we are willing to go against God's Words, all for human's.
Don't we have enough of that already as we are fighting each other and not accepting each other as an individual equal.
I am sorry for any person who has the situtaion of wanting the same sex partner, we all deserve love, and respect which we can show them, but they have to respect us and not push us into going against God's True Wording of a Union by Marriage.

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