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HGH Ccl471 06/24/03
    I'm interested in using HGH(human growth hormone) for anti-aging. A friend of mine who is doing multi-level-marketing for a company called Market America recommended his company's Secretagogue HGH Enhancer. He said the product stimulates the pituatary gland's production of HGH. He told me to beware of other HGH products, because if you put too much HGH into your body, your body might grow in ways that are not good. For example, the bone on your forehead may grow out, causing it to protrude forward, like in the foreheads of lower primates.

    Then I just saw the website of a doctor who uses and recommends an HGH product that she says is the best out there. It is called Maximum Result HGH Complex. She herself does not sell the product, but it is the one she and her patients use. Her website compares many of the options in HGH products available. She warns users to avoid "releasers," "precursors," and "secretagogues." She says that tests have shown that those products are not effective on 30% of their users. She says that the Maximum Result product was rated the best by "#1 HGH Buyer's Guide," an HGH product study that compared 115 products.

    My question is: do you know about Maximum Result HGH Complex? Does it put too much HGH into your body and cause the excess growth problem I mentioned above?

    Many thanks,


Answered By Answered On
Wildflower 10/06/03
HGH is the fountain of youth that is still being researched. There are some extremely postitive studies I have read about using HGH by injection on nursing home patients. They found approximately a 20 year regression in looks and health status.

From my readings about it, I'm looking closely at it too. You can buy this in Mexico, but is illegal here in the US. People are buying it by the droves.

In my opinion, the studies are far too new and inconclusive. If and when HGH is proven safe, the FDA will approve it for use. But, it is still a wait and see.

There are concoctions of combos at GNC that are supposed to increase the release of HGH. I wouldn't touch this with a ten foot pole at this point. If HGH is studied thoroughly, it will be a cure all for lots of medical problems. I will be FDA approved. Right now, it really is too soon to tell, although the results are sounding very promising. Keep an eye on it. I am!!

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