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Non-believer's bal317 02/22/08
    How can you not believe in something you don't recognize?
    If one say's. There is No God. What evidence do you have to prove this?
    What evidence do you have saying all that has been written in the Bible. Is not true?
    What evidence do you have, showing there is no Heaven?
    What evidence do you have, saying anyone that can speak to and receive answer's from God. Is not true?

      Clarification/Follow-up by TTFNUAS on 02/22/08 11:24 pm:
      " Faith comes from Facts."

      If this is so then faith is NOT faith at all.

      You are slightly confused.



      Clarification/Follow-up by bal317 on 02/23/08 5:28 am:
      It's hard to explain to some. Mainly because those of us who believe, have been given the oppurtunity to express and control our levels of "free will" in the proper way, in order to feel, know and love God. Fact, as a human, if your around some that ignore, dis-respect or don't consider you alive. You will not be accessable to them. Well, as God is Our Father and wants His children to be with Him in all avenues. God is not going to be as easily to connect with. Because you can't turn your back on Him and expect Him to be at your beckon call. But, He leaves the door open.
      What I can't figure out is. If non-believer's want to find out about the reality of the Father what would it hurt to actually open up your mind and reach out? If your not afraid of what you will receive.
      This might help you to understand, why we know there is a God.

Answered By Answered On
TTFNUAS 02/23/08

Your logic does not make sense to me.
Again you are confusing FAITH with FACTS.
What is faith: Merrimac Dictionary:

(1): belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2): belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion
(3): firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2): complete trust in the supernatural
What is supernatural:
(1): of or relating to an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe; especially : of or relating to God or a god, demigod, spirit, or devil
(2): departing from what is usual or normal especially so as to appear to transcend the laws of nature
(3): attributed to an invisible agent (as a ghost or spirit)
Neither visual nor dependent on natural laws = UNPROVABLE
What is fact?
(1): something that has actual existence
(2): an actual occurrence
If it is visual touchable, palpable then it is a fact.

Therefore = Faith and Fact are mutually exclusive.

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