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Non-believer's bal317 02/22/08
    How can you not believe in something you don't recognize?
    If one say's. There is No God. What evidence do you have to prove this?
    What evidence do you have saying all that has been written in the Bible. Is not true?
    What evidence do you have, showing there is no Heaven?
    What evidence do you have, saying anyone that can speak to and receive answer's from God. Is not true?

      Clarification/Follow-up by Tempus-Omnia-Revelat on 02/22/08 9:22 am:
      Further to my reply :
      We all know that it is zillions times easier to prove a "positive" (like "God exists") than to prove a "negative" (like "God does not exist").
      Besides that : proof is required for those who claim something. And that claim is "God exists". That is the claim that has to be proven. And as long as that is not done, the line "God exists" is a claim based on belief.
      Why would non-believers have to prove the much more difficult "negative" opposite of what believers claim to be but can not provide objective evidence for themselves?
      The same argument goes for the existence of heaven : it is up to those who claim that heaven exists to provide proof for that existence : NOT for those who question the claims made by believers.
      All these claims are based on belief. But belief remains belief UNTILL it is proven to be correct with supporting objective evidence.
      And once again : the same goes for "answer from God" : one can believe that one receives answers from God, but if one wants to get such claims accepted as true reality, one has to provide objective supporting evidence for God's existence, AND that what was received were God's answers.
      For years I have stated that you and everyone else may BELIEVE whatever you all like, but if you want others to agree with whatever you BELIEVE you must first provide objective evidence for what you claim to be true. Untill that moment non-believers may correctly question your claims.
      It is as simple as that!

      Clarification/Follow-up by bal317 on 02/23/08 5:28 am:
      It's hard to explain to some. Mainly because those of us who believe, have been given the oppurtunity to express and control our levels of "free will" in the proper way, in order to feel, know and love God. Fact, as a human, if your around some that ignore, dis-respect or don't consider you alive. You will not be accessable to them. Well, as God is Our Father and wants His children to be with Him in all avenues. God is not going to be as easily to connect with. Because you can't turn your back on Him and expect Him to be at your beckon call. But, He leaves the door open.
      What I can't figure out is. If non-believer's want to find out about the reality of the Father what would it hurt to actually open up your mind and reach out? If your not afraid of what you will receive.
      This might help you to understand, why we know there is a God.

      Clarification/Follow-up by Tempus-Omnia-Revelat on 02/23/08 7:36 am:
      *... control our levels of "free will" in the proper way...*
      You are manipulated by an unsupported subjective argument-based belief system : you call that "free will" ???
      *Fact, as a human, if your around some that ignore, dis-respect or don't consider you alive.*
      A meaningless sentence ...
      *What I can't figure out is*.
      Another meaningless sentence ...
      *If non-believer's want to find out about the reality of the Father ...*
      If the "Father" wants that, it is he who should present himself. As he does not, the reality of the "Father" is highly questionable!
      *... what would it hurt to actually open up your mind and reach out?*
      To WHAT? To WHOM? You BELIEVE in a deity who's existence never has been proved to be real! Reach out HOW? Reach out to WHAT?
      *This might help you to understand, why we know there is a God.*
      You know there is a God? No you BELIEVE there is a God, and assume that to be correct.

      Clarification/Follow-up by Tempus-Omnia-Revelat on 02/25/08 10:32 am:
      You're just showing that there is no objective proof. Just subjective-only supported claims copied from the Bible, which people BELIEVE to be true.

Answered By Answered On
Tempus-Omnia-Revelat 02/22/08
Bal :
"How can you not believe in something you don't recognize?"
An unnecessary double negative in one sentance, making the real question rather opaque.
Besides that BELIEVING means to accept as correct without any objective evidence, let's reverse your question for easier understanding what you really asked here :
Q1-"How can you believe in something you don't recognize?"
How can I accept as correct something I don't recognize"? What is there to accept? So no, of course can not believe that.
One should not believe in something one can not recognize (leaving out if believing is the proper option here).
Let's reverse your sentence the other way to make it even clearer:
Q2-"How can you not believe in something you do recognize?"
Even if one can recognize something, why should one believe in that? Think about magicians : you recognize what they do, but you know they are faking what they suggest they do.
So again : not believing what one can not recognize is the only logical option, even more so than believing that what one does recognize happening.
God may exist, though I doubt that very much.
I doubt that so much that I almost believe God does not exist.

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