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How do I get my parents to stop being so overprotective of me? jelly 08/16/06
    I am a 21 year old girl who should have been driving by the age of 16. But for some reason driving is hard for me. I got my license after taking the test 4 times. Eventhough I don't have a license my still doesn't trust me to drive a car. He has started taking me driving to help me practice. He doesn't know how to teach he won't let me develop my own driving skills and won't let me ask him a question. He just tells me what to do and i do it. I have had one accident already that cost the car 3000 dollars to fix. I know that is bad but won't I learn by making mistakes. Doesnt everyone have accidents? My friend says that I am 21 and am entitled to drive on my own. She says my parents are too overprotective and have no faith in me. Please tell me what to do? I am afraid I might lose my friends if I can't drive.

Answered By Answered On
CeeBee2 08/16/06
First of all, you can't develop your "own driving skills". You must drive correctly, not the way you want to. Also, one doesn't learn to drive by making mistakes. Those mistakes often cost money, as you've found out. Then your insurance rates go up too.

My son tried to learn how to drive. He even got a license. He is smart and has a job, but it turns out that he cannot process all the stimuli coming at him when he drives. He can't keep track of the cars behind him, beside him, and coming toward him and still drive at the correct speed, in the correct lane, and also try to drive defensively. It was too much to handle all at once. He is easily distracted and can get very frustrated while driving. Maybe some day he will drive, but now he walks to where he wants to go, or hitches a ride with a friend or family member.

I strongly suggest you practice driving in a parking lot after all the stores are closed, or in an office park after all the businesses have closed for the day. In this way, you can practice right and left turns, backing, parking, three-point turns, and all the other maneuvers you will need to know as a driver. Once you feel confident doing these things without other cars around, then go out onto quiet streets. Gradually work your way onto busier streets.

Once you get a license, please be very careful and keep your attention on the road. Friends and relatives as riders in your car will be very distracting with conversation, radio playing, goofing around. It goes without saying, don't drive if you've had even one alcoholic drink.

Best wishes! Being a good driver is one of the best ways to feel grown up and independent.

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