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Can we assess whether beliefs are reasonable? If so how? Oldstillwild
COMPATIBILITY: "We are birds of the same nest, We may wear different skins, We may speak in di Oldstillwild
JUST WONDERING: Is ATHEISM a religion or a philosophy? H Oldstillwild
NAZI PHILOSOPHY: "The Nazis were very male-dominated and anti-feminist. Nazi PHILOSOPHY idea Oldstillwild
Mind, matter or x? In explaining reality there seem to be only three reasonable possibilities: mind, Oldstillwild
Is Metaphysics Pointless? Given that all cause and effect proceeds by way of natural laws, why ought Oldstillwild
Clearing up Tom's Lie "Atheism is commonly divided into two types: strong atheism and weak ath Oldstillwild
Clearing up Tom's Lie "Atheism is commonly divided into two types: strong atheism and weak ath Oldstillwild
Why do some practice this evil thing, or is it a justified practice? If Proselytism is any attempt t Oldstillwild
the concept of everlasting life. ........... I find the concept more bazaar, that humans are part of Oldstillwild

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